(1) For purposes of this rule, "salmonellosis" is any illness in which organisms of the genus salmonella, with the exception of the typhoid bacillus, have been isolated from feces, blood, urine, or pathological material from a person.
(2) Whenever a case of salmonellosis exists:
(a) infection control precautions must be imposed upon the case for the duration of the illness;
(b) the local health officer must prohibit the case from engaging in a sensitive occupation until two successive specimens of the case's feces have been determined by a laboratory to be negative for salmonella organisms, the first specimen of which is collected at least 48 hours after cessation of the therapy and the second not less than 24 hours thereafter; and
(c) stool cultures must be made for any family contacts of a case who are identified by the local health officer and who are themselves involved in a sensitive occupation. If the culture is positive for salmonella, the contact is subject to the requirements of (2)(a) and (b).