(1) The following communicable diseases and conditions are reportable:
(a) AIDS, as defined by the centers for disease control, or HIV infection, as determined by a positive result from a test approved by the federal food and drug administration for the detection of HIV, including but not limited to antibody, antigen, or HIV nucleic acid tests;
(b) Amebiasis;
(c) Anthrax;
(d) Botulism (including infant botulism);
(e) Brucellosis;
(f) Campylobacter enteritis;
(g) Chancroid;
(h) Chickenpox;
(i) Chlamydial genital infection;
(j) Cholera;
(k) Colorado tick fever;
(l) Cryptosporidiosis;
(m) Cytomegaloviral illness;
(n) Diarrheal disease outbreak;
(o) Diphtheria;
(p) Encephalitis;
(q) Escherichia coli 0157:H7 enteritis;
(r) Gastroenteritis outbreak;
(s) Giardiasis;
(t) Gonorrhea;
(u) Gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum;
(v) Granuloma inguinale;
(w) Haemophilus influenzae B invasive disease (meningitis, epiglottitis, pneumonia, and septicemia);
(x) Hansen's disease (leprosy);
(y) Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome;
(z) Hemolytic uremic syndrome;
(aa) Hepatitis A, B (acute or chronic), or C (acute or chronic);
(ab) Kawasaki disease;
(ac) Influenza;
(ad) Lead poisoning (levels $ 10 micrograms per deciliter);
(ae) Legionellosis;
(af) Listeriosis;
(ag) Lyme disease;
(ah) Lymphogranuloma venereum;
(ai) Malaria;
(aj) Measles (rubeola);
(ak) Meningitis, bacterial or viral;
(al) Mumps;
(am) Ornithosis (psittacosis);
(an) Pertussis (whooping cough);
(ao) Plague;
(ap) Poliomyelitis, paralytic or non-paralytic;
(aq) Q-fever;
(ar) Rabies or rabies exposure (human);
(as) Reye's syndrome;
(at) Rocky Mountain spotted fever;
(au) Rubella (including congenital);
(av) Salmonellosis;
(aw) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS);
(ax) Shigellosis;
(ay) Smallpox;
(az) Streptococcus pneumoniae invasive disease, drug resistant;
(ba) Syphilis;
(bb) Tetanus;
(bc) Tickborne relapsing fever;
(bd) Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies;
(be) Trichinosis;
(bf) Tuberculosis;
(bg) Tularemia;
(bh) Typhoid fever;
(bi) Yellow fever;
(bj) Yersiniosis;
(bk) Illness occurring in a traveler from a foreign country;
(bl) An occurrence in a community or region of a case or cases of any communicable disease in the "Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, An Official Report of the American Public Health Association", (18th edition, 2004), 2000, with a frequency in excess of normal expectancy; and
(bm) Any unusual incident of unexplained illness or death in a human or animal.