(1) The client must sign a consent form before each tattooing or body piercing procedure. If the client is under the age of 18, then the client's parent or legal guardian must sign the consent form, in person, before the procedure.
(2) The consent form must contain:
(a) the client's name and address, the date of the procedure, the design of the tattoo, if applicable, the location of the procedure on the client's body, and any other information that the artist may consider appropriate;
(b) a description of potential complications and side-effects, including abscesses, allergies, excessive bleeding (from body piercing), heavy metal poisoning, infection, keloid formation, muscle paralysis, nerve paralysis, scarring, swelling, and tooth fracture (from oral piercing).
(c) symptoms of infection such as fever, swelling, redness, or drainage;
(d) instructions to consult a physician if symptoms of infection or other complications occur;
(e) the permanent nature of either tattoos or specific piercings or both; and
(f) a statement by the client that the client:
(i) has been provided with the preservice information, both in writing and verbally by the artist; and
(ii) consents to the tattooing or body piercing procedure.
Rule 37.112.145 reserved