(1) A school must comply with the following cleaning and maintenance requirements:
(a) Daily cleaning and maintenance services must be provided whenever the school is in use.
(b) Each janitor room must be kept clean, ventilated, and free from odors.
(c) Soiled mop heads must be changed frequently, using laundered replacements.
(d) Toilets, lavatories, and showers may not be used for washing and rinsing of mops, brooms, brushes, or any other cleaning device.
(e) Cleaners used in cleaning showers, lavatories, urinals, toilet bowls, toilet seats, and floors must contain fungicides or germicides.
(f) Deodorizers and odor-masking agents may not be used unless the room in which used is clean to sight and touch.
(g) Toilet bowl brushes, mops and sponges may be used only for cleaning toilet bowls and urinals and must be stored separately from other cleaning devices. Cleaning devices used for lavatories and showers may not be used for any other purposes.
(h) Dry dust mops and dry dust cloths for cleaning purposes are prohibited, except for use on gymnasium floors. Only treated mops, wet mops, treated cloths, moist cloths or other means approved by the department or health authority which will not spread soil from one place to another may be used for dusting and cleaning, with the exception of gymnasium floors.
(i) All furnishings, fixtures, floors, walls, and ceilings must be clean and in good repair.
(j) Cleaning compounds and pesticides must be stored, used, and disposed of in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
(k) Whenever therapeutic whirlpools are used, they must be constructed and maintained for easy cleaning. Whirlpools must be drained and an effective disinfectant applied to the interior surfaces after periods of use. Individuals with open sores or infections are prohibited from using therapeutic whirlpools.