(1) Soap and disposable towels or other hand-drying devices must be available at all handwashing sinks. Common-use cloth towels are prohibited.
(2) Sanitary napkin disposal must be provided for girls of age ten or older and in teachers' toilet rooms and nurses' toilet rooms. The school must provide either sanitary napkin dispensers in the girls', nurses', and teachers' toilet rooms or some other readily available on-site access to sanitary napkins.
(3) If a child develops symptoms of illness while at school, the responsible school officials shall do the following:
(a) isolate the child immediately from other children in a room or area segregated for that purpose; and
(b) inform the parent or guardian as soon as possible about the illness and request him or her to pick up the child.
(4) Schools shall develop and enforce policies on first aid which include, at a minimum, the following:
(a) obtaining emergency phone numbers for parents or guardians;
(b) procedures to be followed in the event of accidents or injuries; and
(c) emergency coverage, including the presence of a person with a currently valid American red cross standard first aid card or current certification from an equivalent first aid course, during school-sponsored activities, including field trips, athletic, and other off-campus events. Recommendations for first aid supplies and policies may be secured from the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Public Health and Safety Division, Food and Consumer Safety Section, 1400 Broadway, P.O. Box 202951, Helena, Montana 59620-2951.
(5) Smoking must be prohibited during school hours in rooms and any other areas used by children, and no smoking signs must be posted in each hallway, entryway, gymnasium, lunchroom, and restroom, though not in each classroom. Smoking must be prohibited in school vehicles while used by children for school-related functions.
(6) In addition to the requirements of this rule, school officials should also be aware of the need to comply with the laws and rules relating to the immunization of children ( 20-5-402 , et seq., MCA; ARM 37.114.701, et seq.) , the health of school employees (ARM 37.114.1010) , and the reporting of communicable diseases (ARM 37.114.201, 37.114.202, and 37s.114.501, et seq.) . Copies of these requirements may be obtained from the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Public Health and Safety Division, Food and Consumer Safety Section, 1400 Broadway, P.O. Box 202951, Helena, Montana 59620-2951.
(7) Pursuant to the advisory authority of 50-1-202 (11) and (12) , MCA, the department recommends that students be evaluated by registered professional nurses or other appropriately qualified health professionals on a periodic basis in order to identify those health problems which have the potential for interfering with learning, including:
(a) assessment of student's health and developmental status;
(b) vision screening;
(c) hearing screening;
(d) scoliosis screening;
(e) chemical and alcohol abuse;
(f) nutritional screening; and
(g) dental screening.