(1) Foods, beverages, and ingredients and product contact surfaces of containers, equipment and supplies shall be protected from contamination while in transit to machine location. Readily perishable foods and beverages while in transit shall be maintained at a temperature not higher than 50 º F or not lower than 150 º F.
(2) This rule shall be deemed to have been satisfied when the following requirements are met:
(a) Food, beverages or ingredients while in transit to vending machine locations shall be protected from the elements, dirt, dust, insects, rodents, and other contamination. Similar protection shall be provided for single-service containers and for the product contact surfaces of equipment, containers, and devices in transit to machine locations.
(b) Readily perishable foods or beverages, while in transit to vending machine locations shall be maintained at a temperature of not higher than 50 º F or not lower than 150 º F.