(1) The licensee shall provide light personal care, custodial care and supervision for residents, including:
(a) a minimum of three regular, nutritious, attractively prepared meals per day served family style;
(i) Not more than 15 hours shall elapse between the evening and morning meal.
(ii) All perishable foods shall be stored at such temperatures as will protect against spoilage.
(iii) All foods while being stored, prepared or served shall be protected against contamination and be kept safe for human consumption.
(iv) Home canned foods cannot be used for resident's meals.
(v) The licensee shall prepare meals which comply with the special dietary needs of the resident who has been placed on a special diet by his physician.
(b) opportunities for residents to participate in community organizations and activities.
(2) The licensee shall cooperate with the placing agency to implement the resident's case plan.
(3) The licensee shall allow each resident the opportunity to voluntarily practice his or her own religion. Residents shall be permitted by the licensee to attend religious services of the resident's choice in the community and to visit with representatives of their faith.
(4) The licensee shall allow each resident the opportunity to identify with his cultural heritage.
(5) The licensee shall allow for the privacy for the resident. The licensee shall provide appropriate sleeping arrangements, separate storage space for clothing and personal articles, and a place to display pictures, belongings and other personal items.
(6) The resident shall be provided the opportunity for bathing and personal grooming as desired.
(7) If a resident requires assistance in bathing, the person assisting should be of the same sex whenever possible. If not possible, appropriate covering shall be used to assure the resident's privacy.
(8) The resident shall be allowed to dress as fashion, personal tastes, cleanliness and the season warrants.
(9) An adult member of the foster family or another adult employee of the licensee shall always be present when a resident is in the home except as may be provided in a resident's individual assessment plan.
(10) The licensee shall not subject the resident to moral, social and financial exploitation.
(11) Residents shall not be used as employees of the foster home or be coerced into performing tasks such as housekeeping, laundering and yard work for the operator or others.
(12) A resident shall have access to the use of the United States mails, and may write and send mail at his own expense without censorship and receive mail addressed to him unopened.
(13) A resident shall have daily, private access and use of a telephone for local calls. Similar access is to be granted for long distance calls which are made collect or for which charges are otherwise paid by the resident.
(14) Restrictive visiting hours shall not be maintained and residents shall be allowed to receive reasonable numbers of visitors at any reasonable time.
(15) An elderly or disabled adult shall not be denied admission to, or be discharged from, a foster home because of race, religion, color or national origin.