(1) For all high-hazard dams not exempt pursuant to the act and ARM
36.14.103, the department shall require an operation permit and impose such
reasonable conditions as are necessary to ensure that high-hazard dams
are safely operated and maintained, and that the operation and maintenance of
high-hazard dams are consistent with the act and all implementing orders
and administrative rules. An application for an operation permit to operate a
high-hazard dam must be submitted to the department:
(a) by October 1, 1990, for an unpermitted high-hazard existing dam;
(b) by July 1, 1995, for an unpermitted high-hazard corps-inspected dam;
(c) before operation of a high-hazard dam for which a construction permit has been issued;
(d) by the date specified in the permit for
renewal of an operation permit for a permitted high-hazard dam.