(1) The benchmark for social studies content standard 6 for a student at the end of grade 8 is the ability to:
(a) compare and illustrate the ways various groups (e.g., cliques, clubs, ethnic communities, American Indian tribes) meet human needs and concerns (e.g., self esteem, friendship, heritage) and contribute to personal identity;
(b) explain and give examples of how human expression (e.g., language, literature, arts, architecture, traditions, beliefs, spirituality) contributes to the development and transmission of culture;
(c) identify and differentiate ways regional, ethnic, and national cultures influence individual's daily lives and personal choices;
(d) compare and illustrate the unique characteristics of American Indian tribes and other cultural groups in Montana;
(e) explain the cultural contributions of and tensions between racial and ethnic groups in Montana, the United States, and the world; and
(f) identify and describe the stratification of individuals within social groups (e.g., status, social class, haves and have nots) .