(1) All elk imported into Montana must be tested for elk-red deer hybridization. No elk-red deer hybrid may be imported. A copy of the test results must be provided to the department.
(2) The licensee shall test all elk born on or prior to December 31, 1999 for elk-red deer hybridization by January 1, 2000.
(3) The licensee shall test all elk born between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2001 for elk-red deer hybridization by January 1 of the year following the year of birth or when the animal is sold or transported from the game farm, whichever comes first.
(4) A licensee that has completed elk-red deer hybrid testing on his entire herd by January 1, 1999, may submit those results to the department and request a waiver to ARM 32.4.402(3) from the department of fish, wildlife and parks.
(5) The elk-red deer hybrid test procedures for all game farm elk is as follows:
(a) Blood samples must be drawn and submitted by a designated alternative livestock veterinarian.
(b) The test must be conducted at a department approved laboratory and meet department standards. A copy of all test results must be provided to the department. The licensee shall provide a copy of any positive elk-red deer hybrid results to the department of fish, wildlife and parks.
(c) Animal test results conducted prior to the adoption of these rules may be accepted if the identity of the animal can be documented to the department.
(d) The owner of any animal identified as an elk-red deer hybrid may submit a second confirmation sample to another approved laboratory within 6 months of receiving the results of the first hybrid test.
(6) If an elk-red deer hybrid is detected, the animal must be neutered, slaughtered or sold out of state in accordance with ARM 32.4.901. The identity of any animal identified as an elk-red deer hybrid and proof of neutering must be submitted to the department by the alternative livestock veterinarian. The state veterinarian shall determine what is acceptable as proof of neutering.