(1) The benchmark for social studies content standard 4 for a student at the end of grade 4 is the ability to:
(a) identify and use various sources of information (e.g., artifacts, diaries, photographs, charts, biographies, paintings, architecture, songs) to develop an understanding of the past;
(b) use a timeline to select, organize, and sequence information describing eras in history;
(c) examine biographies, stories, narratives, and folk tales to understand the lives of ordinary people and extraordinary people, place them in time and context, and explain their relationship to important historical events;
(d) identify and describe famous people, important democratic values (e.g., democracy, freedom, justice) , symbols (e.g., Montana and United States flags, state flower) , and holidays in the history of Montana, American Indian tribes, and the United States;
(e) identify and illustrate how technologies have impacted the course of history (e.g., energy, transportation, communications) ;
(f) recognize that people view and report historical events differently; and
(g) explain the history, culture, and current status of the American Indian tribes in Montana and the United States.