(1) Steers and spayed heifers from states in Mexico that have been determined by the state veterinarian to have fully implemented the control/preparatory phase (STAGE I) of the Mexican tuberculosis eradication program may be imported into the state until March 1, 1997, providing they have been tested negative for tuberculosis in accordance with the Norma Official Mexicana (NOM) within 60 days prior to entry into the United States. Steers and spayed heifers from states in Mexico that have not been determined to have implemented the control/preparatory phase (STAGE I) of the Mexican tuberculosis eradication program may not be imported into the state. Until March 1, 1997, these steers and spayed heifers must be retested 120-180 days after import into Montana.
(2) After March 1, 1997, steers and spayed heifers from states in Mexico that have been determined by the state veterinarian to have fully implemented the eradication phase (STAGE II) of the Mexican tuberculosis eradication program may be imported into the state providing they have been tested negative for tuberculosis in accordance with the Norma Official Mexicana (NOM) within 60 days prior to entry into the United States or originate from a herd that is equivalent to an accredited tuberculosis free herd in the United States that are moved directly from a herd of origin across the border as a single group and not commingled with other cattle prior to arriving at the border. Steers and spayed heifers from states in Mexico that have not been determined to have implemented the eradication phase (STAGE II) of the Mexican tuberculosis eradication program may not be imported into the state.
(3) Steers and spayed heifers that have been determined by the state veterinarian to have achieved accredited tuberculosis free status may move directly into the state without testing or further restrictions provided they are moved as a single group and not commingled with other cattle prior to arriving at the border.
(4) Holstein and holstein crossbred steers and spayed heifers from Mexico are prohibited from entering the state regardless of test history.