(1) The benchmark for science content standard 2 upon graduation is that the student will:
(a) describe the structure of atoms, including knowledge of:
(i) subatomic particles and their relative masses, charges, and locations within the atom;
(ii) the electrical and nuclear forces that hold the atom together;
(iii) fission and fusion; and
(iv) radioactive decay;
(b) explain how the particulate-level structure and properties of matter affect its macroscopic properties, including the effective of:
(i) valence electrons on the chemical properties of elements and the resulting periodic trends in these properties;
(ii) chemical bonding;
(iii) molecular geometry and intermolecular forces;
(iv) kinetic molecular theory on phases of matter; and
(v) carbon-carbon atom bonding on biomolecules;
(c) describe the major features associated with chemical reactions, including:
(i) giving examples of reactions important to industry and living organism;
(ii) energy changes associated with chemical changes;
(iii) classes of chemical reactions;
(iv) rates of reactions; and
(v) the role of catalysts;
(d) identify, measure, calculate, and analyze relationships associated with matter and energy transfer or transformations and the associated conservation of mass;
(e) explain the interactions between motions and forces, including:
(i) the laws of motion; and
(ii) an understanding of the gravitational and electromagnetic forces;
(f) explain how energy is stored, transferred, and transformed, including:
(i) the conservation of energy;
(ii) kinetic and potential energy and energy contained by a field;
(iii) heat energy and atomic and molecular motion; and
(iv) energy tends to change from concentrated to diffuse; and
(g) describe how energy and matter interact, including:
(i) waves;
(ii) the electromagnetic spectrum;
(iii) quantization of energy; and
(iv) insulators and conductors.