(1) Whenever any charging party or (in the case of a complaint filed on behalf of anyone) any person alleged to be aggrieved shall refuse to comply with a request by the department for information or evidence reasonably necessary for the investigation, conciliation, or litigation of the complaint, the department may dismiss the case and issue a right to sue letter for failure of the charging party (or aggrieved person) to cooperate with the department, or may dismiss so much of the complaint as relates to that charging party or aggrieved person.
(2) Whenever any charging party or aggrieved person fails to advise the department of a change of address and the department is unable to locate the charging party or aggrieved person through reasonable efforts including a certified letter to the last address of record, the department may dismiss the case and issue a right to sue letter or may dismiss so much of the complaint as relates to that charging party or aggrieved person.