(1) To the extent possible with available federal funds, the department shall, for a coal mine operating permit applicant who meets the criteria of ARM 17.24.1222 and who requests assistance, select and pay a qualified laboratory, contractor, or consultant to:
(a) determine for the applicant the probable hydrologic consequences of the mining and reclamation operations both on and off the proposed permit area in accordance with ARM 17.24.1225;
(b) prepare a statement of the results of test borings or core samplings in accordance with ARM 17.24.1225;
(c) collect and provide general hydrology information on the basin or subbasin areas within which the anticipated mining will occur. The information provided must be limited to that required to relate the basin or subbasin hydrology to the hydrology of the proposed permit area; and
(d) provide other services specified in ARM 17.24.1225.