(1) The library is established per Title 7, MCA, Title 22, MCA, or through the legal process practiced by an accredited tribal college library that provides service to the public.
(2) The board meets at least six times a year and complies with Montana's open meeting laws when meeting.
(3) Board members learn about the services the library provides to users, the role of the board in providing administrative and financial oversight, and the role of the board in planning for new services for users.
(4) The board receives at least three hours of continuing education each year.
(5) The board understands the revenue sources that fund the library, the budgeting process, and adopts a budget for the library.
(6) For a library created under Title 7 or Title 22, MCA, at least 70% of the revenue is from local tax revenues. Grants, donations, and other revenue sources supplement but do not supplant local tax support. If a tribal college library serves tribal members, the tribal council recognizes and supports the efforts of the library to obtain funding.
(7) Public library boards and directors will identify the requisite financial resources necessary to provide adequate library services pursuant to the library's mission and will regularly communicate with community and local government leaders about financial needs and ability to meet community needs.
(8) The board and director identify in writing what they want to accomplish in the next three to five years, and that plan is focused on meeting community needs. The board and director annually review their plan and progress made.
(9) The board adopts emergency response plans that ensure the safety of the public and staff as the primary priority.
(10) The director or designee submits the Montana Public Library Annual Statistical Report to the Montana State Library. The board and director annually review public library statistics.
(11) The board adopts and regularly reviews policies that reflect the mission and goals of the library. The policies govern use of the library, its materials, and services. No single policy goes more than four years without review.
(12) The board and director review the most current Public Library Standards Road Map maintained by the Montana State Library.