(1) In order that a standard of training be maintained and upheld for all apprenticeable occupations, the following policy must be satisfied before approval and registration will be granted a program sponsor: All provisions of program approval either meet or exceed those recognized in the immediate geographical or state wide area where applicable. These provisions apply to all those listed in ARM 24.21.411 Minimum Guidelines for Registration of Apprenticeship Programs, including wages.
(2) Apprenticeship programs and standards of employers and unions in other than the building and construction industry, which jointly form a sponsoring entity on a multi-state basis and are registered pursuant to all requirements of Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 29 as adopted February 15, 1977, by any recognized State Apprenticeship Agency/Council or by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, U.S. Department of Labor, shall be accorded approval reciprocity by the Apprenticeship Bureau, if such reciprocity is requested by the sponsoring entity.