(1) An eighth-grade student
at the proficient reading level demonstrates solid academic performance.
(a) consistently makes predictions and connections
between new material and prior knowledge, locates and interprets stated and
inferred main ideas, and identifies important supporting details when reading
material appropriate to the eighth grade;
(b) combines and monitors a variety of
strategies to fluently read material with comprehension, interpreting elements
of fiction and nonfiction, literary devices, and vocabulary at the eighth-grade
(c) articulates and evaluates the
strategies used to monitor reading progress;
(d) sets and meets reading goals;
(e) self-selects appropriate material
to meet reading purposes, and defines purposes for reading;
(f) compares, contrasts, and integrates
information, language, and points of view from many print and nonprint sources
by making clear inferences, drawing conclusions, and making connections to
personal experiences, including other reading experiences; and
(g) identifies some literary devices that
authors use in composing text.