(1) Cheating by a candidate in applying for, taking, or subsequent to taking the examination will be deemed to invalidate any score otherwise earned by a candidate on any test section of the examination. Cheating may warrant summary expulsion from the test site, and disqualification by the board from taking the examination for a specified period of time. For purposes of this rule, the following actions or attempted activities, among others, may be considered cheating:
(a) falsifying or misrepresenting education credentials or other information required for admission to the examination;
(b) communication between candidates inside or outside the test site or copying another candidate's answers while the examination is in progress;
(c) communication with others inside or outside the site while the examination is in progress;
(d) substitution of another person to sit in the test site in place of a candidate;
(e) reference to crib sheets, textbooks or other material or electronic media (other than that provided to the candidate as part of the examination) inside or outside the test site while the examination is in progress;
(f) violating the nondisclosure prohibitions of the examination or aiding or abetting another in doing so; or
(g) retaking or attempting to retake a test section by an individual holding a valid certificate or by a candidate who has unexpired credit for having already passed the same test section, unless the individual has been directed to retake a test section pursuant to board order or unless the individual has been expressly authorized by the board to retake the test section.