(1) A fourth-grade student at the
nearing proficiency reading level demonstrates partial mastery of prerequisite
knowledge and skills fundamental for proficient reading. He/she:
(a) articulates the overall meaning of the
reading material;
(b) uses a basic vocabulary to support
content area reading material;
(c) recognizes, applies, and self-monitors
strategies to decode and to comprehend at or near grade-level material;
(d) usually demonstrates an understanding
of the elements of fiction and nonfiction;
(e) makes obvious connections between the
reading material and personal experiences, and extends these ideas by making
simple inferences;
(f) self-selects appropriate reading
material to meet a specific purpose;
(g) sometimes recognizes the author's
(h) often defines a purpose for reading;
(i) inconsistently compares and integrates
information between sources; and
(j) sometimes distinguishes fact from