(1) In accordance with 37-17-202 , MCA, the Montana Board of Psychologists hereby establishes requirements for the continuing education of licensed psychologists as a condition of license renewal.
(2) The board/staff will not preapprove continuing education programs or sponsors. Qualifying criteria for continuing education are specified in these rules. It is the responsibility of the licensee to select quality programs that contribute to his/her knowledge and competence which also meet these qualifications.
(3) A continuing education activity must meet the following criteria:
(a) The activity must have significant intellectual or practical content. The activity must deal primarily with substantive psychological issues, psychological skills or laws or rules and ethical standards related to one's role as a psychologist. In addition, the board may accept continuing education activities from other professional groups or academic disciplines if the psychologist demonstrates that the activity is substantially related to his or her role as a psychologist. The following are examples of activities that typically do not qualify for continuing education credit:
(i) management of a professional practice;
(ii) investments;
(iii) marketing;
(iv) profitability of the practice;
(v) office organization;
(vi) management;
(vii) legislative issues;
(viii) peer review;
(ix) general, nonspecific supervision;
(x) general staffing; and
(xi) consultation, except if presented in a study group.
(b) The activity itself must be conducted by an individual or group qualified by practical or academic experience.
(c) All approved formal continuing education courses must issue a program or certificate of completion containing the following information:
(i) full name and qualifications of the presentor;
(ii) title of the presentation attended;
(iii) number of hours and date of each presentation attended;
(iv) description of the presentation format; and
(v) name of licensee.
(d) It is the responsibility of the licensee to establish and maintain detailed records of continuing education compliance for a period of three years following submission of a continuing education report.