(1) A fourth-grade student at the advanced
reading level demonstrates superior performance. He/she:
(a) demonstrates
self-motivation and emerging independence as a learner;
(b) uses a rich and varied reading and listening
(c) critically evaluates reading material and
provides thorough and thoughtful responses to the text;
(d) critically
judges and provides thorough, effective, and thoughtful oral, written, and/or
artistic responses to reading material;
(e) fluently and effectively applies, articulates,
and self-monitors decoding and comprehension strategies;
(f) accurately assesses and makes needed changes in
reading strategies;
(g) generalizes topics, concepts, and feelings in
reading selections to a variety of situations;
(h) consistently evaluates and monitors reading
(i) eagerly sets and meets personal reading goals;
(j) chooses and successfully reads a variety of
material for information and pleasure;
(k) identifies a variety of purposes for reading;
(l) recognizes how authors compose and use
literary devices for a variety of purposes;
(m) compares and contrasts information from
several sources of reading; and
(n) distinguishes fact from opinion.