(1) A licensee may place the license on inactive status by either indicating on the renewal form that inactive status is desired, or by informing the board office, in writing, that an inactive status is desired. It is the sole responsibility of the inactive licensee to keep the board informed as to any change of address during the period of time the license remains on inactive status. Inactive licensees must pay the renewal fee annually to maintain license status.
(2) A licensee may not practice any professional engineering or land surveying work in the state of Montana while the license is in an inactive status.
(3) Upon application and payment of the appropriate fee, the board may reactivate an inactive license if the applicant completes each of the following:
(a) signifies to the board, in writing, that upon issuance of the active license, the applicant intends to be an active practitioner in the state of Montana; and
(b) presents satisfactory evidence that the applicant has attended 30 hours of continuing education which comply with the continuing education rules of the board.
(4) In the event an inactive licensee does not maintain a current license in any jurisdiction for the three previous years prior to requesting reinstatement, the board may require the applicant to take the principles and practice of engineering (PE) examination or the principles and practice of land surveying (PLS) examination.