(1) Any document required by or permitted to be filed with the board may be filed in hard copy, by e-mail, or by telephonic facsimile (fax), and addressed to the board as follows:
(a) hard copy filings may be mailed to P.O. Box 8020, Helena, MT 59624-8020 or hand delivered to 1315 Lockey Ave, Helena, MT 59601;
(b) fax filings may be transmitted to (406) 444-2699. Documents which are longer than twenty pages, inclusive of attachments and exhibits, may not be filed by fax;
(c) e-mail filings may be transmitted to [email protected].
(2) A document is filed, no matter how it is transmitted, on the date it is received by the board, not the date it is transmitted. It is the responsibility of the filing party to ensure that the documents are received timely by the board.