This is an obsolete version of the rule. Please click on the rule number to view the current version.


(1) In addition to the general labeling requirements set forth in ARM 42.39.314, each package of ingestible marijuana-infused product sold to a customer shall be labeled with the following information: 

(a) an ingredients list that shall include all ingredients in the ingestible marijuana-infused product listed by common or usual name in descending order of predominance by weight and the word "marijuana" followed by the part of the plant (e.g., flower, trim) or form of concentrate (e.g., oil, infused butter) used as an ingredient in the manufacturing process. Any substance that is present in an ingestible marijuana-infused product in an insignificant amount and that does not have any technical or functional effect in the finished product may be excluded from the ingredients list;

(b) an allergen statement that shall declare the presence of major food allergens in plain language;

(c) a marijuana facts panel containing the following information:

(i) the milligrams per serving size or dose of:

(A) THC;

(B) THCa;

(C) CBD; and

(D) CBDa;

(ii) the number of servings or doses per package; and

(iii) for multi-serving packages, the total milligrams per package of:

(A) THC;

(B) THCa;

(C) CBD;

(D) and CBDa;

(d) in addition to the required warnings in ARM 42.39.314, each package of ingestible marijuana-infused product sold to a customer shall be labeled with the following information: "The intoxicating effects of this product may be delayed by two or more hours."

(2) A marijuana facts panel for ingestible marijuana-infused products may not contain information on the total potential psychoactive THC, total THC, or otherwise mislead customers into believing the product has higher THC levels than it does. 

(3) A marijuana facts panel may include the milligrams of each additional marketed cannabinoid and terpene per serving size, dose, or package.


History: 16-12-112, MCA; IMP, 16-12-101, 16-12-112, 16-12-208, MCA; NEW, 2022 MAR p. 81, Eff. 1/1/22.

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