(1) The department may conduct inspections to determine compliance with these rules and Montana statutes. To include:
(a) an initial application inspection;
(b) annual renewal inspections;
(c) unannounced inspections; and
(d) complaint inspections.
(2) A licensee or licensee employee must cooperate with the department during an inspection.
(3) A licensee or licensee employee may not:
(a) refuse to admit a department regulatory surveyor from entering a registered premises to conduct an inspection; or
(b) ask the regulatory surveyor to leave until the surveyor has had an opportunity to fully conduct an inspection.
(4) If a licensee or licensee employee fails to permit the department to conduct an inspection, the department may deny, suspend, or revoke their license or endorsement.
(5) If during an inspection the department determines the applicant is not in compliance with applicable licensing requirements or Montana statute, the department will notify the applicant of the specific deficiencies or errors.
(6) The department will not issue a license or renew a license until all required or corrected information has been received.