(1) (Adapted from the American Occupational Therapy Association Position Statement on Supervision, 1993) . The supervisor shall determine the degree of supervision to administer to the supervisee based on the supervisor's estimation of the supervisee's clinical experience, responsibilities, and competence at a minimum.
(2) A fully-licensed occupational therapist shall not require supervision.
(3) A certified occupational therapist assistant, in accordance with 37-24-103 (2) , MCA, shall work under the general supervision of a licensed occupational therapist.
(4) Temporary practice permit holders under 37-1-305 (2) , MCA, shall work under the routine supervision of a certified occupational therapist assistant or a licensed occupational therapist.
(5) Entry-level practitioners shall be defined as practitioners having less than six month's experience in the specific practice setting and may on a case-by-case basis, require supervision as determined by the board.
(6) Occupational therapy aides under 37-24-103 (6) , MCA, shall work under the direct supervision of a licensed occupational therapist or a certified occupational therapist assistant. Occupational therapy aides shall have no supervisory capacity.