(1) An EMT-F course shall be managed by a lead instructor. The lead instructor shall maintain overall responsibility for the quality, consistency and management of the course. The lead instructor shall:
(a) conduct the EMT-F courses in accordance with current board-approved USDOT curriculum, including revisions and statewide protocols, policies and procedures;
(b) document student skill proficiency on forms prescribed and supplied by the board;
(c) complete the course within six months of the date the course commences; and
(d) provide at least one instructor per six students when practical skills are taught.
(2) An EMT-B course shall be managed by a lead instructor. The lead instructor shall maintain overall responsibility for the quality, consistency and management of the course. The lead instructor shall:
(a) conduct the EMT-B courses in accordance with current board-approved USDOT curriculum, including revisions, and statewide protocols, policies and procedures;
(b) document student skill proficiency on forms prescribed and supplied by the board;
(c) complete the course within 12 months of the date the course commences;
(d) provide at least one instructor per six students when practical skills are taught; and
(e) provide a minimum of ten hours of clinical experience with an EMS or in a local hospital emergency room.
(3) An EMT-I or EMT-P course shall be managed by a lead instructor under the supervision of a service medical director. The lead instructor and service medical director shall maintain overall responsibility for the quality, consistency and management of the course. The lead instructor shall:
(a) conduct the EMT-I and EMT-P courses in accordance with current board-approved USDOT curriculum, including revisions and statewide protocols, policies and procedures;
(b) document student skill proficiency on forms prescribed and supplied by the board;
(c) provide clinical experience as specified in the approved curriculum and in accordance with this chapter; and
(d) provide that the course is completed as follows:
(i) the EMT-I course, within 18 months from the starting date of course; and
(ii) the EMT-P course, within 24 months from the starting date of course;
(e) provide clinical experiences with no fewer than one clinical preceptor for every two students;
(f) provide a sufficient patient volume to allow students to complete all clinical experiences within the course dates;
(g) provide EMT-I course clinical facilities that include but are not limited to:
(i) an emergency department with physician staffing;
(ii) intensive care beds or coronary care beds; and
(iii) an EMS licensed at or above the EMT advanced level; and
(h) provide for the EMT-P course clinical facilities that include, but are not limited to:
(i) an emergency department with physician staffing;
(ii) intensive care beds or coronary care beds;
(iii) operating/recovery room;
(iv) pediatric beds;
(v) labor/delivery room/newborn nursery;
(vi) psychiatric beds;
(vii) morgue;
(viii) radiology department;
(ix) respiratory therapy department; and
(x) an EMS licensed at or above the EMT advanced level.