(1) A resident may practice medicine in a hospital or clinic in which the resident is training, under the general supervision of a Montana-licensed physician.
(2) As used herein, "general supervision" means that the supervising physician need not be physically present in the same building as the resident, nor within 20 minutes of the physical presence of the patient being cared for by the resident.
(3) If the training program in which the resident is enrolled is approved by, or affiliated with a program approved by the ACGME, the resident's scope of practice shall be defined by the residency review committee of the ACGME.
(4) If the training program in which the resident is enrolled is not approved by the ACGME, the supervising physician must be aware of the statutory limitations on the resident's scope of practice, and must carry malpractice insurance covering the resident's conduct during the training process.
(5) A resident may, among other things:
(a) participate in active, actual patient care;
(b) write prescriptions and orders without co-signature of the sponsoring or supervising physician;
(c) sign hospital charts and office records;
(d) assume increasing responsibility in surgical and medical care, within the context of a review process;
(e) take emergency room and other calls independently and without direct supervision; and
(f) participate in medical research and review processes.