(1) The benchmark for arts
content standard 3 for a student at the end of grade 4 is the ability to:
(a) use
arts materials, techniques, technology, and processes to create general
(b) communicate
meaning through the art forms from selected subject matter;
(c) explore
potential solutions to a given problem through the arts;
(d) use
technical skills in:
(i) dance
by performing movements and rhythm patterns;
(ii) music
by singing and playing music using dynamics, phrasing, and interpretation;
(iii) theatre by using mind, voice, and body to create characters and tell
stories; and
(iv) visual
arts by creating works of art with content that is consistent with media
possibilities; and
(e) identify
and use an appropriate symbol system in:
(i) dance
by using dance elements (space, time, energy) to discuss movement and produce
movements demonstrated and/or described in words;
(ii) music
by using standard symbols to identify meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics;
(iii) theatre by recognizing and using stage direction; and
(iv) visual
arts by recognizing and using symbol language appropriate to media used to
create works of art.