(1) For the purpose of these rules, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "Continuing education" is defined as an academic course, workshop, seminar, or other accepted activity developed for the purpose of increasing or sustaining the proficiency of the licensee to better serve the public.
(b) "Licensee" means any person licensed to practice as a mortician or as a funeral director in the state of Montana.
(c) "The continuing education compliance period" shall comprise the 12-month period immediately prior to the licensee's renewal date.
(d) "Inactive practitioner" for purposes of these rules shall mean an individual who has applied for inactive status and has been issued an inactive certificate.
(e) "Conditional permission to practice" shall mean written permission granted by the board to an individual to practice as a mortician or funeral director for a period not to exceed one year, during which time he must obtain the required number of hours of continuing education.