(1) Continuing education is that education obtained which is in addition to the educational requirements for endorsement. Continuing education must be related to the practice of installing or servicing fire protection equipment.
(2) An endorsee shall obtain a minimum of eight hours (60 minutes per hour) annually and submit copies of continuing education certificates with the application for renewal. Up to eight hours earned in excess of the eight hours required in a licensing year may be carried over into the succeeding year. All applicants for renewal of endorsements shall have completed continuing education as provided in this rule as a condition to establish eligibility for renewal. The continuing education requirement will not apply until the endorsee's first full year of endorsement.
(3) The following continuing education programs may be approved by the department for continuing education credit:
(a) workshops, seminars and educational conferences sponsored by fire protection equipment manufacturers or trade associations;
(b) courses in specialized programs approved by the department;
(c) correspondence course work approved by the department;
(d) videotaped instruction or course work approved by the department;
(e) any continuing education which has been obtained in another state that meets the continuing education requirements of Montana;
(f) college or vocational school course work, approved by the department, which is germane to the profession and contributes directly to the professional competence of the endorsed individual, subject to the following limitations:
(i) the endorsed individual must pass the course;
(ii) one semester credit shall equal 15 hours of continuing education;
(iii) one quarter credit shall equal 10 hours of continuing education.
(g) teaching courses that are germane to the profession. Credit units may be applied in this category based on a report by the endorsed individual. For a one-hour presentation, the presenter will be awarded two hours of continuing education. The following limitations shall apply to requests for credit under this section:
(i) documentation must be submitted showing the licensee as the instructor of the course;
(ii) the course must be addressed to endorsed individuals or apprentices in order to qualify for credit;
(iii) a course outline must be provided to the department; and
(iv) instruction of any course may be submitted for continuing education only once.