(1) Reimbursement through the Developmental Disabilities Program's (DDP) Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs is only available to a provider for services or items:
(a) delivered in accordance with the requirements and limitations of ARM 37.34.3001;
(b) delivered in accordance with the terms and conditions of the formal approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) governing each waiver program; and
(c) authorized in accordance with ARM 37.34.3002 for reimbursement through the person's individual cost plan (ICP).
(2) The department adopts and incorporates by this reference the rates of reimbursement for the delivery of services and items available through each Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program as specified in the Montana Developmental Disabilities Program Manual of Service Rates and Procedures of Reimbursement for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) 1915c, 0208, and 0667 Waiver Programs, effective July 1, 2018, as revised and labeled "version 3." A copy of the manual may be obtained through the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Developmental Services Division, Developmental Disabilities Program, 111 N. Sanders, P.O. Box 4210, Helena, MT 59604-4210 and at http://dphhs.mt.gov/dsd/developmentaldisabililities/DDPratesinf.