(1) Each video line game title must meet the following specifications for approval for use within the state of Montana. To be approved, the game must:
(a) using a random number generator, draw and display a minimum of three numbers or symbols in a line;
(b) clearly identify each individual line that is brought into play by wagering additional money when more than one line is played during a game;
(c) display and identify each winning combination of numbers or symbols, if any, and the credits/cash value won, if any, at the end of each game;
(d) the movement of numbers or symbols stops automatically, or the player may manually stop the movement prior to the automatic stop;
(e) provide winning combinations that form a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line or other specified shapes that may include:
(i) matching numbers or symbols; or
(ii) particular numbers or symbols that appear in any sequence or position; and
(f) provide a theoretical return of each bet increment not to exceed 92%.
(2) Licensed VGM manufacturers submitting video line games for approval must supply written verification from a qualified independent testing service that the theoretical return for each bet increment does not exceed 92%. For purposes of this rule, a qualified independent testing service means a person or entity that:
(a) holds a current Montana Associated Gambling Business License;
(b) shares no common ownership interests with the licensed VGM manufacturer that submits the video line game to the department for approval; and
(c) has at least one contract with, or is licensed by, another governmental entity to test gambling machines and provide mathematical certification for the maximum theoretical return for VGM software.