(1) The regional plan submitted to and approved by the board will be effective for one fiscal year. Amendments to the plan are allowable.
(2) Modification of budget line items by ten percent or less may be approved by the regional planning board.
(3) Modifications of budget line items exceeding ten percent must be requested of the board in writing and approved by the board prior to adjustment of the budget.
(4) New detention services seeking approval must notify the regional planning board 30 days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the regional planning board.
(5) New detention services not described in the regional plan may be amended into a plan by:
(a) approval of the regional planning board; and
(b) approval by the board after written notice which describes the impact of the new detention services on the overall plan and budget.
(6) The board will respond in writing to the regional planning board regarding the request to amend the regional plan.