(1) Education and competency for dental hygiene prescriptive authority will be accomplished by:
(a) meeting the requirements of ARM 24.138.407(1)(a) and shall include a pharmacology course;
(b) maintaining three credit hours of continuing education each three-year renewal cycle to include courses in:
(i) fluoride agents;
(ii) topical oral anesthetics; or
(iii) nonsystemic oral antimicrobials; and
(c) meeting the requirements of ARM 24.138.2104.
(2) The hygienist shall attest they meet the qualifications for limited prescriptive authority on the initial application for licensure and the continuing education requirement on the annual license renewal application.
(3) Allowable percentages of prescribed agents are:
(a) topical anti-caries treatments (using sodium fluoride unless otherwise stated):
(i) toothpastes – 1.1 percent (or stannous fluoride 0.4 percent);
(ii) topical gels – 1.1 percent (or stannous fluoride 0.4 percent);
(iii) oral rinses – 0.05 percent, 0.2 percent, 0.44 percent, or 0.5 percent, or oral rinse concentrate at 0.63 percent stannous fluoride;
(iv) fluoride varnish – 5 percent;
(v) prophy paste – 1.25 percent; and
(vi) fluoride paste – 5 percent;
(b) topical oral anesthetic agents:
(i) up to 20 percent benzocaine;
(ii) up to 2 percent viscous lidocaine; and
(iii) cetacaine to include 14 percent benzocaine, 2 percent butamben, and 2 percent tetracaine hydrochloride; and
(c) nonsystemic oral antimicrobials:
(i) chlorhexidine gluconate rinses – 0.12 percent.