(1) For the purpose of meeting the ongoing supervision requirement in 37-38-202, MCA, a CBHPSS shall comply with the supervision guidelines as follows:
(a) A supervisor must meet the requirements of ARM 24.219.902.
(b) A supervision agreement shall be in writing and on a form available on the board web site. The agreement shall include, but is not limited to:
(i) the CBHPSS's and supervisor's names, signatures, and dates of supervision;
(ii) the duties and obligations of the CBHPSS and supervisor per this rule, frequency and method of supervision, and duration and termination provisions; and
(iii) a statement of compliance with applicable patient privacy laws.
(c) The supervisor's relationship with the CBHPSS shall not be a conflict of interest, such as, but not limited to, being in a cohabitation or financially dependent relationship.
(d) The supervisor shall not be the certificate holder's parent, child, spouse, or sibling.
(2) A record of supervision must be maintained by the CBHPSS and must include:
(a) names of the CBHPSS and supervisor, and signatures of both;
(b) date and length of supervision in increments of not less than 15 minutes;
(c) content that confirms that the CBHPSS has received a minimum of one hour of face-to-face supervision and consultation for every 20 hours of work experience. No more than 40 hours of work experience may transpire without receiving the required hours of supervision and/or consultation. Less frequent supervision may take place only with prior approval of the licensure board;
(d) content summary (excluding confidential information); and
(e) content demonstrating the CBHPSS's ongoing competence. Supervisory comments must indicate ongoing competence and any areas in need of improvement.
(3) The supervisor must attest to (1)(b) through (d) and (2)(a) through (e) under penalty of law. Falsification or misrepresentation of any of the above may be considered misrepresentation and a violation of professional ethics, which may result in discipline of the certificate holder or supervisor's license.
(4) All reports, written interpretations, and results sent to other public or private agencies that affect the current status of a client must be reviewed by and contain the approval and signature of the supervisor.
(5) All interventions, results, and interpretations used in the planning and/or implementation of interventions shall be reviewed and preapproved by the supervisor on a continual and ongoing basis.
(6) All professional communications, both private and public, including advertisements, shall clearly indicate the certification status as a CBHPSS.
(7) Upon a change of supervisor:
(a) the CBHPSS must notify the board prior to beginning work; and
(b) the CBHPSS's previous supervisor must provide the record of supervision to the board.
(8) For any other substantial change in the CBHPSS's supervision plan, the CBHPSS must notify the board within ten business days.
(9) The CBHPSS and supervisor are responsible for ensuring that the CBHPSS and supervisor comply with the requirements of this rule and the statutes, rules, and standards pertaining to the practice of a CBHPSS.
(10) The CBHPSS must maintain the record of supervision, which must be maintained according to the requirements of this rule for a minimum of seven years and may be requested by the board at any time.