(1) Upon approval of an application for grant funds, the department shall enter into a funding agreement for incumbent worker training with the employer.
(2) A funding agreement must contain the following:
(a) the terms of the grant;
(b) a schedule for reimbursement of approved costs to the employer; and
(c) the grant reporting requirements of the employer.
(3) Upon approval of an application for grant funds, the employer must:
(a) sign the financial agreement within 14 calendar days; and
(b) submit a completed state of Montana form SW9 (Substitute W-9) or IRS form W-9.
(4) Grants are funded on the basis of the state fiscal year. Funding may not exceed:
(a) $1,000 per incumbent worker working an average of 20-34 hours a week, predominantly year round; and
(b) $2,000 per incumbent worker working an average of 35 or more hours a week, predominantly year round.