(1) All referees, seconds, managers, contestants, promoters and judges must be licensed by the board.
(2) All licenses end on the date set by ARM 24.101.413 and are nonrenewable.
(3) Applications and fees shall be received by the board prior to or on the date of the athletic event.
(a) Application must be on forms provided by the board and include a photograph of the applicant or contestant.
(4) Contests staged on federal or tribal land within the state of Montana, shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be agreed upon between the governing bodies concerned and the Board of Athletics.
(5) No person shall charge or receive an admission fee for exhibiting within this state a telecast of any bout or athletic event as defined at ARM 24.117.301, held in this state, without a permit issued by the board. Permits are required for simultaneous telecasts, closed circuit telecasts or any transmission of any kind, including but not limited to, transmission via microwave, closed circuit, satellite or fiber optic link.
(6) Except in club boxing, all contestants shall submit a certified laboratory report documenting that the contestant has, within 30 days prior to each bout or match in which the contestant is scheduled to appear, been administered an HIV test for the presence of AIDS antibodies and that the results of such test were negative.