(1) No individual shall, while performing any duty regulated by Title 37, chapter 60, MCA, have or utilize any:
(a) uniform, vehicle or equipment displaying the words, "police", "law enforcement officer", or the equivalent thereof; or
(b) patch, emblem, sign marking, accessory or insignia indicating such uniform, vehicle or equipment is the property of a public law enforcement agency, the state of Montana, or any of its political subdivisions.
(2) A licensee required to wear a uniform while performing any duty regulated by Title 37, chapter 60, MCA, must have the uniform approved by the board or its designee.
(a) All uniforms shall, on the outermost garment except for rainwear or foul weather clothing, clearly display:
(i) the company name;
(ii) the individual's name; and
(iii) the occupational category.
(3) Uniformed security guards shall wear a patch on their uniforms as follows:
(a) no less than one inch by three inches in size;
(b) displaying the words "security", "security officer" or "security guard":
(i) in block letters; and
(ii) of contrasting colors; and
(c) above the left chest pocket.