(1) The ring shall:
(a) be no less than 16 or more than 20 feet square when measured inside the line of the ropes;
(b) have an apron that extends beyond the ropes not less than two feet;
(c) be equipped with four ropes with two spacer ties on each side of the ring to secure the ropes;
(d) have the entire floor and apron padded with insulate, felt, matting, or a similar material with a thickness of at least one inch;
(e) have a canvas or similar material covering the padding, stretched tightly and laced or fastened to the outer edge of the floor;
(f) have floor boards of sufficient strength to hold the weight and ensure the safety of all who enter the ring; and
(g) have a minimum of two sets of suitable steps for use by the contestants and officials to be placed diagonally at opposite corners of the ring platform.
(2) Only the following substances shall be allowed in the ring:
(a) ice,
(b) only plain water,
(c) cotton swabs,
(d) gauze pads,
(e) clean towels,
(f) adrenaline 1:1000, thrombostat and 2 percent adrenaline hydrochloride,
(g) avitine in sterile single packets,
(h) petroleum jelly (unscented) only,
(i) tape.
(3) Gong, bell, buzzer, or horn which is used must be sufficiently loud so that the officials and contestants can hear it clearly.
(4) The ring must be swept, dry mopped, or otherwise adequately cleaned before the athletic event and prior to the first bout.
(5) There shall be a minimum three foot clear walkway from the ring through the seating area to the exit(s).