(1) Licensed promoters must obtain an event license for each professional boxing event held in Montana.
(2) To obtain an event license, applicants shall submit a completed application on department forms at least 15 days before the event, and pay the license fee per ARM 24.117.402. Applications must document the following:
(a) event venue, location/address, date, time;
(b) names and weights of all contestants scheduled for the event; and
(c) proof of liability insurance to adequately protect contestants, officials, and the attending public. Minimum coverages are as follows:
(i) $10,000 medical insurance per contestant;
(ii) $10,000 life insurance per contestant; and
(iii) additional liability insurance to adequately protect all officials and the public.
(3) Before an event commences, the promoter must demonstrate compliance with the following requirements to the satisfaction of the department or department representative at the event. The promoter shall:
(a) provide all materials necessary for the athletic event, including ring, steps, stools, water buckets, resin, bell, buzzer or whistle, timer, gloves, gauze, tape for hand wraps, and a scale as examined and approved by the medical professional or department representative;
(b) provide adequate, separate dressing room facilities for male, female, and opposing contestants;
(c) comply with any and all state or local health rules regarding sanitary conditions of dressing rooms, showers, towels, and other equipment;
(d) ensure attendance of a medical professional and compensate the professional for such attendance;
(e) ensure attendance of and compensate the judges, referees, and seconds for services rendered at the event in addition to reasonable room and board and mileage;
(f) ensure that a staffed, Montana-licensed ambulance remains continuously present on-site at the event;
(g) provide security guards who either hold a Montana license per Title 37, chapter 60, MCA, or are law enforcement officers, as deemed necessary by the promoter and venue owner; and
(h) notify the nearest hospital and the persons in charge of the emergency room.
(4) The promoter must notify the department of any change in announced or advertised programs for any event at least 24 hours prior to the event.
(5) Only department representatives, contestants, seconds, managers, promoters, and medical professionals are permitted in dressing rooms upon presentation of proper credentials issued by the department.
(6) No applicant, licensee, department representative, or official shall consume or appear under the influence of alcohol or mood-altering drugs at a venue, unless prescribed to the individual by a physician.