(1) "Boxing event" means any professional boxing bout, contest, show, or tournament.
(2) "City" means any city, town, village, or county location within Montana.
(3) "Contestant" means any participant in a professional boxing event who receives remuneration directly or indirectly as consideration of the performance.
(4) "Department representative" means a person appointed to act on behalf of the department by attending and supervising professional boxing events, and who may be a volunteer.
(5) "Manager" means a person in overall charge of a professional boxer and the planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, contracting, supervision, and results of any scheduling or business activity of a professional boxer.
(6) "Medical professional" means a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.), a licensed physician assistant, or a licensed advanced practice registered nurse (nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, nurse anesthetist, or clinical nurse specialist).
(7) "Professional boxer" means a person seeking compensation or reward by participating in a professional boxing event.
(8) "Promoter" means any person, club, corporation, association, or organization that conducts a professional boxing event in Montana.
(9) "Ring generalship" means having the ability to quickly grasp and take advantage of every opportunity offered, the capacity to cope with all kinds of situations which may arise, and to foresee and neutralize an opponent's method to adopt a style of boxing at which the contestant is not particularly skillful.