(1) An applicant to the pilot program must:
(a) have a Montana hemp license;
(b) not be forbidden from participating by a federal agency;
(c) meet any additional requirements that the DEA places on the department for the continuation of the program;
(d) only obtain seed through the program or program-approved methods;
(e) pay a pilot program participation program fee;
(f) if they wish to have the department import a hemp specialty variety, they must pay the specialty variety fee as well; and
(g) have applied to the department for participation in the program by January 31st unless the department extends the application deadline.
(2) The department may create a hemp seed repository as part of the pilot program. Only pilot program participants can buy from the repository. The varieties in the repository will be determined by the department. Availability of a particular variety or any seed is not guaranteed by the department.
(3) All post-harvest commercial use of the hemp must be approved by the department so as to not jeopardize the continued existence of the federal approval of the pilot program.
(a) Pre-approved and disapproved uses will be listed on the department web site.