(1) Gambling operators must immediately pay all valid ticket vouchers in full and in cash upon presentation of the ticket for payment.
(2) A ticket voucher that is printed more than 48 hours before it has been presented for payment may, at the discretion of the gambling operator, be deemed invalid and not payable, only if there has been notice to the player of the expiration period by the presence of a sign that is not less than 24 inches by 36 inches displayed in a licensed premises at the time of play, in plain view of the gambling public, which reads "Promptly Redeem Your Win Tickets -- Tickets Void After 48 hours"; and:
(a) for machines and programs approved prior to adoption of this rule, the face of the ticket voucher paper has been preprinted with the expiration notice required by ARM 23.16.1901; or
(b) for machines and programs approved after adoption of this rule, the expiration notice is printed on the face of the ticket voucher as required by ARM 23.16.1901.
(3) A gambling operator who has a good faith reason to believe a ticket voucher resulted from a machine malfunction may refuse payment of the ticket voucher, pending the department’s finding in (4), provided the gambling operator immediately:
(a) prints an audit ticket from the machine;
(b) suspends play of the VGM;
(c) contacts and consults with the machine owner if the gambling operator is not also the machine owner.
(i) After consulting with the machine owner, the gambling operator who no longer believes the ticket voucher resulted from a machine malfunction shall immediately pay the ticket voucher as provided in (1).
(ii) After consulting with the machine owner, the gambling operator who continues to believe the ticket voucher resulted from a machine malfunction shall promptly submit a completed Form 50 to the department, together with all required documents.
(4) Upon receipt of the completed Form 50, together with all required documents, the department shall inspect and evaluate the suspended video gambling machine or its subparts, and determine whether the ticket voucher resulted from a machine malfunction. The department shall notify the player, the machine owner, and the gambling operator of its determination.
(a) If the department determines the ticket voucher did not result from a machine malfunction, the gambling operator shall immediately pay the ticket voucher, and the VGM may be returned to active play.
(b) If the department determines that a machine malfunction occurred, the ticket voucher is invalid, and the department will prescribe appropriate remedial action to the machine owner.