(1) Individuals licensed as a Professional Engineer, Professional Land Surveyor, or Professional Engineer and Professional Land Surveyor may obtain a seal in the form of an embossing or rubber stamp or digital seal to be used for purposes of sealing printed drawings, specifications, and other documents prepared by or under the supervision of the licensee.
(2) A licensee's seal must contain the licensee's name, license number (such as #####PE, #####LS, or #####ES), and the applicable legend "Professional Engineer," "Professional Land Surveyor," or "Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor."
(3) Seals of the following commercial designated sizes and types are authorized:
(a) 1 5/8" pocket seal;
(b) 2" desk seal; and
(c) 2" rubber stamp seal.
(d) A digital seal may be reduced in size to one-half of the size of the original seal.
(4) The seal, digital seal, and the signature must be of sufficient print quality to legibly reproduce on all copies or prints of final original drawings to which they are applied.
(5) The title page of all plans and documents filed with public authorities must bear the seal and original signature of the licensee in responsible charge.
(6) Licensees may use a digital seal for stamping plans, specifications, survey documents, and reports.