(1) A traditional, series, or multiple way sports pool must be conducted on a sports pool card containing a master square.
(a) The master square of the card must be divided into spaces arranged in horizontal rows and vertical columns.
(b) The numbers for each horizontal row and vertical column must be randomly assigned after the person conducting the pool closes the pool to additional sale of spaces but prior to the beginning of the sports event or the first event in a series of sport events. Any unsold spaces at the time the numbers are assigned are considered purchased by the person conducting the sports pool and must be marked in a manner indicating that they may not be sold to another person.
(c) Each space must be represented by a number from both the horizontal row and vertical column.
(d) Each competitor in the sports event must be assigned to either the horizontal or vertical axis of the master square before the beginning of each sports event.
(2) A sports pool card used to conduct an authorized sports pool must be of adequate size to be easily read by participants and observers.
(3) The sports pool card shall, in advance of any sale of any chance, clearly indicate:
(a) rules for conducting the sports pool;
(b) name of the sports event or series of events covered by the card;
(c) name of the competitors in the sports event or series of events, if known;
(d) date of the sports event or dates of the series of sports events;
(e) total number of chances available in the pool;
(f) cost to the participant for each chance;
(g) total amount to be paid to each winner;
(h) intervals that a pay-out will be made and the amount of each pay-out;
(i) name of the person conducting the sports pool;
(j) name or initials of participants who have purchased chances in the pool;
(k) amount or value of each individual prize and the total value of all prizes; and
(l) name of the competitors and the date of a sports event that will be substituted for the original sports event if it is cancelled.
(4) After each prize is awarded, the names of the winners of each prize must be prominently displayed on each card.
(5) A sports pool card must be retained by the person conducting the sports pool until all prizes are awarded or for 30 days after the event or last event in a series of events, whichever occurs first.