(1) All licensed pharmacists and operators of pharmacies in Montana must adhere to all the laws of Montana and the rules of the board pertaining to pharmacists and operators of pharmacies and any violation thereof may constitute a cause for the revocation of such licenses.
(2) If an intern pharmacist is found or allowed to work in a pharmacy without the supervision of a registered pharmacist, meaning that the intern is allowed to work by himself/herself, it may be cause for the board to cancel his or her internship in said pharmacy and may be cause for suspension or revocation of his or her intern pharmacist license. The board may in its discretion ask for surrender, suspension, or revocation of the pharmacy license of the pharmacy in which the intern has violated this section of the pharmacy law.
(3) The board may, upon notice and after a hearing, temporarily suspend or permanently revoke or refuse to renew any license of any registered pharmacist, or intern pharmacist, found to have been employed in any establishment which:
(a) does not have a license required by the pharmacy laws of the state of Montana, 37-7-321, MCA.