(1) A person holding a valid outfitter or guide license who utilizes any type of watercraft while providing services shall prove evidence of licensure by displaying, at all times, a board-issued watercraft identification.
(2) The tag shall display the outfitter or guide license number for identification purposes.
(3) An unlicensed outfitter assistant shall display a board-issued watercraft identification on each watercraft to be occupied by the outfitter assistant, showing the license number of the employing outfitter.
(4) The tag shall be effective for one calendar year.
(5) The tag shall be affixed to either side of the bow or at the oarlock or stern of the watercraft and be of a size so that it may be easily seen from another watercraft or from shore.
(6) The tag shall be affixed to the watercraft on a removable plaque or in such a way that if the craft is sold or is not being used by the licensee while the licensee is providing services, the tag may be removed or concealed to prevent misidentification of the occupant(s) as licensees.
(7) Improper use of watercraft identification shall be considered misconduct under ARM 24.171.2301.
(8) Licensees shall be provided with one set of watercraft identification at the time of application for licensure or renewal, upon request. A fee will be assessed for any replacement in accordance with ARM 24.171.401.