(1) The emotional and social domain requires instruction which incorporates and includes:
(a) culture, family, and community, wherein students learn to develop:
(i) an awareness of and appreciation for similarities and differences between themselves and others;
(ii) an awareness of the functions and diverse characteristics of families; and
(iii) an understanding of the basic principles of how communities function, including work roles and commerce.
(b) emotional development wherein students:
(i) develop an awareness and appreciation of self as a unique, competent, and capable individual;
(ii) demonstrate a belief in their abilities;
(iii) manage internal states, feelings, and behavior, and develop the ability to adapt to diverse situations and environments; and
(iv) express a wide and varied range of feelings through facial expressions, gestures, behaviors, and words.
(c) social development which helps students:
(i) develop trust, emotional bonds, and interact comfortably with adults;
(ii) interact and build relationships with peers; and
(iii) develop skills in cooperation, negotiation, and empathy.
(2) The physical domain requires development of motor skills and instruction in health, safety, and personal care.
(a) Development of motor skills includes:
(i) small muscle strength, coordination, and skills;
(ii) large muscle strength, coordination, and skills; and
(iii) use of their senses to explore the environment and develop skills through sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound.
(b) Health, safety, and personal care standards for early childhood education are that students:
(i) develop personal health and hygiene skills as they develop and practice self-care routines;
(ii) eat a variety of nutritional foods and develop healthy eating practices;
(iii) develop healthy behaviors through physical activity; and
(iv) develop an awareness and understanding of safety rules as they learn to make safe and appropriate choices.
(3) The communication domain includes communication, language, and literacy development.
(a) Standards for early childhood communication and language include:
(i) receptive communication, wherein students use listening and observation skills to make sense of and respond to spoken language and other forms of communication; enter into the exchange of information around what is seen, heard, and experienced; and begin to acquire an understanding of the concepts of language that contribute to learning;
(ii) expressive communication, wherein students develop skills in using sounds, facial expressions, gestures, and words, such as to help others understand their needs, ask questions, express feelings and ideas, and solve problems;
(iii) social communication wherein students develop skills to interact and communicate with others in effective ways; and
(iv) for dual language speakers, students receive support in their home language(s) while becoming proficient in English.
(b) Literacy standards for early childhood education are that students develop:
(i) an understanding, skills, and interest in the symbols, sounds, and rhythms of written language and develop awareness that the printed word can be used for various purposes;
(ii) interest and skills in using symbols as a meaningful form of communication;
(iii) an understanding that print carries a message through symbols and words and that there is a connection between sounds and letters (the alphabetic principle); and
(iv) an awareness of the sounds of letters and the combination of letters that make up words and use this awareness to manipulate syllables and sounds of speech.
(4) The cognitive domain requires instruction which incorporates and includes:
(a) approaches to learning which help students develop:
(i) curiosity through imagination, inventiveness, originality, and interest as they explore and experience new things;
(ii) initiative and self-direction through engagement in new tasks and to take risks in learning new skills or information;
(iii) persistence and attentiveness with the ability to focus their attention and concentration to complete tasks and increase their learning; and
(iv) reflection and interpretation skills in thinking about their learning in order to inform their future decisions.
(b) development of reasoning and representational thought skills in causation, critical and analytical thinking, problem solving, and representational thought;
(c) instruction in creative arts, including:
(i) creative movement wherein students produce rhythmic movements spontaneously and in imitation with growing technical and artistic abilities;
(ii) drama, wherein students show appreciation and awareness of drama through observation, imitation, and participation in simple dramatic plots;
(iii) music, wherein students engage in a variety of musical or rhythmic activities; and
(iv) visual arts, wherein students demonstrate a growing understanding and appreciation for the creative process and visual arts.
(d) mathematics and numeracy standards for early childhood education are that students:
(i) develop number sense and operations through the ability to think and work with numbers, to understand their uses, and describe their relationships through structured and everyday experiences;
(ii) develop an awareness of measurement concepts through use of measurement instruments to explore and discover measurement relationships and characteristics, such as length, quantity, volume, distance, weight, area, and time;
(iii) apply mathematical skills in data analysis, such as counting, sorting, and comparing objects;
(iv) develop an awareness of initial algebraic thinking and operations through counting, sorting, and comparing objects; and
(v) build the foundation for geometric and spatial reasoning through recognition, creation, and manipulation of shapes, and learning spatial reasoning and directional words as they become aware of their bodies and personal space in their physical environment.
(e) science standards for early childhood education are that students:
(i) engage in scientific thinking and the use of the scientific methods through investigation using their senses to observe, manipulate objects, ask questions, make predictions, and develop conclusions and generalizations;
(ii) develop an understanding of and compassion for living things;
(iii) develop an understanding of the physical world, the nature and properties of energy, and nonliving matter;
(iv) develop an understanding of the earth and planets; and
(v) develop an understanding of engineering as the process that assists people in designing and building.
(f) social studies for early childhood education are that students:
(i) develop an understanding of the concept of historical time, including past, present, and future;
(ii) develop knowledge of geographical places and regions by understanding that each place has its own unique characteristics and the reciprocal effect individuals have with the world around them;
(iii) become aware of their natural world, including the environment and our interdependence on the natural world; and
(iv) develop an understanding of technology with awareness of technological tools and developmentally appropriate exploration of the ways to use these resources.